Name: Thomas Wolfgang Maguire
Birthday: December 23,1981
Birthplace: in a small town outside of Stuttgart named Bad Canstatt in Germany
Hobbies: Listen to CD's, anykind of music except rap, talk on the computer, research different kinds of things.
Likes: Anykind of food (my mom taught me you eat what comes on the table if you dont like it you still have to eat it
so I'm not picky in what i eat)
Dislikes: Mean People, People who think they are better than everyone else. People who tell me they are going to come
over and then never do. Or people that talk about other people behind their backs. Or when I see someone i know is online
but they dont talk to me.
Websites that I like to look at:
Anything that has to do with Genealogy, Or about these Famous People:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, George Washington, John Adams, John Quincy AdamsUlysses S. Grant, Zachary
Taylor, Jefferson DavisJames Madison, George Washington, Robert E. LeeBenjamin Harrison, William Henry HarrisonWilliam Howard
Taft,Martin Van Buren
and about the Royal Families of Europe like:
England,Spain,Russia,Sweden and the Netherlands and so on.
Since I am related to them through my mothers sisters husband ancestor Henry The Lion Duke of Saxony and Bavaria. He married
Matilda the Daughter of King Henry II of England. In one website page i will put down a list of websites one which I found
very useful in my search of actually being related even though by far to Queen Elizabeth II of England.
I also have Tourette's Syndrome and Depression